Energy Independence Is Necessary Yet Biden Is Running From It
Despite democratic opinion, high gas prices are Biden's fault. Here's why...
Feature Post
Check Out The Traditional Post Expositions!
Click to read conservative Essays, Short Stories, And More…
The Fad Of LGBTQ and Inevitably Mental Illness
People who identify as LGBTQ suffer from serious mental illness, and the real reason why isn’t because of bullying…
Left-Wing Social Media
Social media, while a useful tool, is growing and nourishing radical left-wing ideas. Here's how...
The Midterms Are Looking up For Republicans
If Democrats keep screwing up, and the Republicans hold their tongues, midterms might come as a shock for blue voters...
Now Is A Time For Choosing
Arguments Against Abortion
Abortion is one of the most divided issues in American politics. If your pro-life, use this article to arm yourself against abortion talking points and help stop this cruel act of humanity!
Beyond Politics
Anarchy is generally perceived as an absolute evil. But if your a conservative it does have some ideas we could learn from...
Quote Of The Month:
"Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good."
— Thomas Sowell