Left-Wing Social Media

News and the information we consume establish our modern-day political beliefs. We inform ourselves using advanced, online outlets. One of the biggest sectors of these outlets is social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc). Not only do we see remarks from our friends and family but we also receive our own personal news feed. Just about every online source utilizes social media in some way. And now it’s advancing via the Metaverse. It seems that every part of us ties into big tech social media. With this, there is a problem. Is it possible that these companies are censoring information? To conservatives, this is very concerning.

The right American wing seems to have taken the lead in fighting censorship, which should not be the case. It is in the best interest of both parties that censorship is stopped. They may disagree with the information that is being spread, but it is information nonetheless. The system of democracy requires that voters are properly exposed to different ideas so that way they vote for what they believe is best, in which the majority builds a stronger nation. Instead, thinking they know best, the left has gone along with the restrictions and suppression of ideas across our greatest provider of knowledge, the almighty internet. Instead of basing my point so broad, I would like to specifically discuss social media. The news feeds are skewed. Left-leaning posts are highlighted. The so-called “algorithm” favors political correctness. And let’s not forget that the president of the United States was banned (and not just him). 

But How

The left has created a system. The system is both a shield for their own ideas and a sword against opposing ideas. The system is powered by political correctness. Their ideas are morally right, therefore you can’t fight them. This is why it is a shield. Your ideas are morally wrong, therefore you can’t stand by them. This is why it is a sword. The system is impenetrable because, according to them, the system is morality itself. Or in their words equity. It is because of this system that social media holds the power that it does. Say you said America was not racist and then you got banned. You didn’t get banned because the left disagrees with you, you got banned because it is against political correctness or as I call it, the system. The only problem is the system is under the power and complete control of the left, they just won’t admit to it.

This all seems confusing, but let me put it simply. Social media can do whatever they want because they are the ones who determine what is good and what is bad.

What Is Bad

Community guidelines. Oh, the power this text holds. Why? Because no matter the rule, it can be molded into what they want to enforce. For example, any opposition to the anti-scientific belief that your gender is simply what you feel like that day, can get you suspended for violating their rule on "targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals". They can also make new rules on the spot as their agenda evolves. For example, if you had a suspicion of the election, you violated the “tweeting about alleged 2020 election fraud” rule. Now I don’t believe in large amounts of election fraud but how is mentioning it in any way dangerous or offensive to social media users to the point where you had to temporarily ban people. If this is what they consider bad, why question why social media is so left-wing. I believe it is like this because, since conservatives usually do things more traditionally (less internet), social media is just more of a domain for democrats and some of their radical beliefs.

Who Is Bad

Jim Banks, Briscoe Cain, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ron Johnson, Barry Moore, Rand Paul, and Donald Trump are all the politicians that have been suspended or banned from social media during their tenure in office and all of them are Republicans. Now yes some of those guys are nut cases but shouldn’t there also be a bunch of democratic nut cases on there too. What about when the wildly anti-semetic Ilhan Omar who tweeted “We must have the same level of accountability and justice for all victims of crimes against humanity, We have seen unthinkable atrocities committed by the U.S., Hamas, Israel, Afghanistan, and the Taliban.” COMPARING THE U.S. AND ISRAEL to the Taliban and Hamas, some of the evilest groups ever to form responsible for countless loss of life. Many Democrats openly condemned her, yet Twitter didn’t remove her for even a second. If you’re thinking that free speech protects her, well tell that to the 7 Republicans banned for not nearly as bad tweets.


Censorship burns democracy. How is it fair to republicans or more importantly the voters themselves if the information they are being told is skewed? Whether you believe or don’t believe in an inaccurate election due to voter fraud, it would be idiotic to say it wasn’t rigged by the suppression of social media. No matter what side you stand on you should fight censorship. In the end, the goal is to provide a clean slate of information and dialogue that the voters can take and decide what the best choice is for their vote. Social media is still a new thing that the younger generation prefers, so to me it makes sense that it is a progressive domain, but that doesn’t explain why the companies won’t do anything to stop censorship, the greatest threat to democracy.


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