Arguments Against Abortion

  On average there are 1,000,000 documented abortions every year in the U.S. In NYC 35% of pregnancies end in termination. Specifically, African American women in New York have more abortions than they have babies. Overall approximately 1 in 4 women have an abortion. 

  The most likely reason abortion has become one of the most prevalent and divisive issues in American politics is because of the strong emotions that come with it. The left makes the argument that it is a way for the government to control women’s bodies, while the right says abortion murders innocent lives. I’m sure if you’re reading this you agree with the right (or possibly you want to hear our perspective). In this article, I will address some of the biggest abortion arguments, access them and debunk them so you can better debate pro-choice speaking points and in turn save lives.

The fetus is not human, just a bundle of cells

  Bullshi**. As soon as four weeks after conception the baby’s brain and spine have formed along with its limbs and heart. It also develops a completely independent blood flow. By the end of the first trimester, all of the baby’s major organs and body parts have begun to form including its toes and fingers. The baby is not just some pile of liquid. It’s a formed object.   

 There is no arguing that a fetus is more than just a bundle of cells, but when does it become human (in other words something you can not kill). Does heartbeat convey personhood? If it does then what about people with pacemakers? They require exterior tech to have a beat. Maybe brain function. What about people in comas, they have no brain function? Whatever standard you apply for when a fetus becomes a human can always be reapplied to someone who has already been born, thus making it immoral to say that it is the standard by which something can be murdered. That is except two, conception and passage through the birth canal. If you believe personhood is defined through its passage through the birth canal are you seriously going to make the argument that one second before birth it is totally okay to murder it but one second after it’s a moral sin and you should be charged? Considering this the only logical point in which a fetus becomes a human is conception. The unborn are humans, and I think everyone agrees killing humans is wrong. Therefore abortion is wrong.

Since The Fetus Depends On The Mother It Can Be Aborted

  This is cruel. Just because something depends on you that gives you the right to kill it? Say there is an 80-year-old lady who relies on her familiy’s money and the hospital’s equipment to keep her alive during a coma that she will soon awake. Do the family and the hospital hold the right to kill her even though she will wake up?

Embryos in a Burning Hospital

  If you could choose only one, would you save 1,000 viable human embryos or one child in a burning building? There are many arguments very similar but the basis of the point is which is more valuable, an embryo or a birthed human. This argument stumps many because it is human nature for your morals to affect what you think. This is a simple emotional appeal. In the case of the hospital, the utilitarian move would to indeed save the 1,000 embryos. To understand this better replace the embryos with strangers you have never met and the one child with your own kid. Most people would choose their kid over the strangers. It’s their instinct. This doesn’t mean it is the best decision. 

Rape And Incest Cases

  This argument when looking at the data is ridiculous. Only 1.5% of abortions are rape and incest cases. It is a small minority that is used to justify 98.5% of the rest of the abortions.

Should The Baby Be Born If It Will Live In A Poor Environment 

  Say a woman gets pregnant. She is an alcoholic, lives in a horrible neighborhood, and has no money.  Should the baby really be born if it will have to live in that situation? The pro-choice argument would be no. Spare the baby by terminating it. 

  Considering that thought process say the baby was born after all and it lived in those conditions. By that logic, it would still be moral to kill the baby. Should the feds kick down doors in poorer areas and shoot every child inside? After all, they are living in a bad environment. Of course not. The solution to child poverty is not murder. Just because a child will not grow up in an ideal situation doesn’t forfeit its right to life.


  I believe the fact alone that a fetus IS a human is enough to prove that abortion is evil. Murder is the most fundamental moral wrongs, yet the fairest, just, advanced nation to ever exist legalizes it. This matter has nothing to do with women’s rights and has everything to do with unborn human rights. The audacity of woke white girls ranting on their social media about how cruel Texas is for trying to save the unborn, the most innocent among us. How dare they act like they are heroes by protesting in favor of the genocide of millions of innocent babies who have done nothing wrong. It doesn’t matter how hard it may make things, or how unfair you think it is. Murder is never justified! This is a moral blot in American history and we will never live up to our potential defined in the constitution until it is completely outlawed.

Still Not Convinced

  The link below, created by Live Action on YouTube, is a revealing video to send to your friends or to watch yourself to show how gruesome abortion really is.


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