About The Author

My name is Al Felix! Since middle school, I have obsessively researched the complicated topic known as politics, and I loved it. Loved it enough to start this blog. 

I was born in Chicago, Illinois but I consider myself a Texan. I moved here when I was one and am happy with my new home. I have always had two big interests. Writing and politics. These interests encouraged me to make The Traditional Post. I believe in what I’m creating and I hope it expands so I can create more kinds of content! If you like The Traditional Post, your support would be much appreciated. We must work together to fight the left-wing mob!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me in the contact tab!

About The Traditional Post

For many years being American was something to be proud of. Our values represented the purest form of freedom and virtue. This is why such a culturally diverse nation was able to stay together for so long. Patriotism bonded us together like glue. Yet in recent political history, the left has slowly melted that bond. Our basic values and laws are under attack by the promise of a new world. But if we have learned anything from the countries around us, we know this new world isn’t as good as it sounds. The Traditional Post is a conservative media outlet made to inform its readers so they can fight back against the left’s nonsense. If you’re looking for quality content that supports your values with facts, then you are in the right place. We have a blog with plenty of entries on various topics. Also, you can watch our entertaining videos. The Traditional Post has a whole tab dedicated to conservative quotes sure to inspire. Best of all you can see all of this for free. Despite this site being run by one person, changes and blogs are updated and added frequently to provide you with constant content. With your support, The Traditional Post can be the front runner fighting against the leftist mob. Join the fight today!

Why We Started On September 12

September 12 is not much of a remembered date, yet it is one of the most important in American history. The day before, a terrorist attack rocked America down to its core, but our foundation did not crack. On September 12 America was closer and more unified than it had ever been. The waving American flag could be seen wherever you looked. What our enemies will never understand is that freedom is not something that can be destroyed. It’s what’s inside us that allows us to get up in the morning, fight, and never give up. On September 12 America was a beacon to the rest of the world that could not be dulled. The feeling that was inside every American that day is necessary for our continued existence yet it is being sought out and destroyed by the far left. The American way of life is facing more challenges than it ever has. September 12 signifies the rebirth of America which is why I choose today to officially start The Traditional Post, a conservative media/blog outlet that will soon lead the fight against the radical left. Ronald Reagan once said “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.” Everyone knew this on the 12th. Freedom is our greatest tool. We must use it. Never forget September 11th. Always remember September 12th.