The State Of The Union Is Not Strong

The state of the union really is quite silly. It’s a slow-moving, long, and boring speech made to sugarcoat the president's failures. When one person claps, everyone claps. When one person stands, everyone stands. This only lengthens the already long speech. But worst of all, it’s a whole hour for the president to brag about his own accomplishments. 

Today though Biden broke that mold. But only because he had nothing to brag about. Hilariously his speech seemed to be more like a speech a candidate may make when running for office. Instead of talking about accomplishments, he was forced to talk about what promises he will do. 

What Will He Do

He claimed that he would lower inflation, something he caused, if you would just invest in the Infrastructure plan. That’s right. To stop the problem caused by pouring too much money into the economy, he wishes to pour more money into the economy. He plans to increase American production, yet he wishes to increase corporate taxes, forcing producers to leave. He finally admits that police need to be funded, but only after crime has radically increased in major cities due to defunding them. Contradiction after contradiction only proves that Joe Biden plans to lie his way through the presidency instead of actually fixing America.

The Actual State Of The Union

“And my report is this: The state of the union is strong because you the American people are strong. We are stronger today… we are stronger today than we were a year ago.”- Joe Biden 2022 State Of The Union

Yes, he said that. We are stronger today than we were a year ago. He said this during a rapid increase in gas prices and unprecedented inflation. Afghanistan has fallen to a barbarian terrorist organization. Our border is in a crisis greater than we have ever seen. Our deficit is only growing greater and so is China’s ambition. But worst of all, the lack of American strength has allowed our enemies the comfort of milliary action. At the same time of his speech, Ukraine and all of its people are being attacked by the cruel Russian dictatorship. Biden's poor leadership has guided America into one of its most dark times, yet he stands there and says our union is strong.

If you looked past his stutters and stumbles and listen to the context of what he’s saying, you will not only see that America is going down a dark path, but it is our leader who is guiding us there. Yet we walk along the path like an obedient horse, excepting our fate, because the American people have lost the strength they once had to fight tyranny. Don’t let that happen. The world is shifting. The status quo, of freedom being on top is at risk and it’s up to us to determine what happens next.


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