Are We On The Brink Of World War?

Under the glorious leadership of Joe Biden, America had undergone many failures (obviously none because of our Commander and Chief, rather racism or something like that). We left Afghanistan leaving billions of dollars worth of equipment (now in the hands of terrorists), classified documents, and civilians that needed us but will now slave under the control of the Taliban. We also have proven we can’t control our own border. Inflation and a supply chain crisis have wrecked the once-great American economy. And every day we look less and less like the beacon of freedom we were known for. To put it plainly, we look weak, and the tyrants of the world are thankful for it.

Tensions Rise, Who Are The Bad Guys

It seems just about everyone who’s anyone is ruffling the feathers of peace. China is showing clear aggression towards Taiwan. Russia’s begun an invasion of Ukraine. And Iran is being Iran (destabilizing the Middle East and such). These superpowers will eventually relies that all of their interests correspond. They correspond because they all require war. In fact, this realization has already happened. While we don’t know much, there have been strategic partnership agreements signed between the three powers. I personally believe this is extremely concerning to anyone who values freedom.

Where looking at three countries who, until now, have very little history with each other. Yet now they are all buddy buddies. This can only mean that they, in some way, plan to cooperate. Considering that they all have a large military and possess some type of nuclear arsenal, I would say this cooperation is very dangerous. 

What Would A War Mean 

It’s extremely hard to answer such a broad question. It depends so much on how many countries would actually get involved. If it was just an invasion of Ukraine and China doesn’t get involved I can’t see it turning into anything more than your typical European kerfuffle. Then again World War 1 was started by a lot less. The truth is you never know what is going to turn into what. In the end though, conflict is never started by a single event. The one event is simply the straw that broke the camel's back, or even just an excuse for war. 

What I do know is that an axis alliance between Iran, China, Russia, and whoever else they can pick up would surely be the most bloody conflict we have ever seen in modern history.

What Are We Gonna Do About It

Perhaps one of the worst ways to stop a war is not trying to prevent one, which is what the west is currently doing. To our knowledge, there are yet to be any serious counters against the aggression we’ve seen from those who may be our enemies.  It doesn’t help that Biden has continually shown that America is weak and has no interest in stopping those who threaten freedom. This lack of presence only convinces other countries that we’re not the side to fight for and they should instead join the enemy. So if we ever do have to take arms, we are only making it harder on ourselves.


There have been a lot of conspiracies and worries going around these last couple of years. I really can’t say if war is inevitable. It’s important to remember though that anything is possible and we must be ready.

War is bad. No exceptions. It’s bad for business and it takes people's lives who are fighting for what they think is right. It should always be avoided. If we wish to do this then the battle starts now. Negotiation and diffusion are essential.  

What we need is a leader. Not a leader that wishes to fight every battle and insist upon war. But a leader that can string a sentence together. A leader that reminds our enemies that America is a threat to anything that stands in the way of liberty. I truly believe, if we stay true to our values, freedom will always prevail. 


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