The Underlying Issue of Youth Suicide And The LQBTQ Movement

In today’s day, it's hard to write about anything else other than war, Ukraine, and gas prices. The times are so unprecedented it’s hard to focus on issues other than the tragedies going on now. But I simply can’t handle it. One of America’s greatest atrocities in modern history is its encouragement of LQBTQ ideals in our youth, yet no one seems to care.

Now don’t get me wrong, while I don’t agree with it, adults can like whoever they want to. But that’s it. Consenting adults. It becomes a true atrocity when it spreads to youth. Childish, impressionable, and irrational youth.

What Is Going On

        Generally speaking, when there is a shift in culture, it starts with those who have consent and then trickles down to their kids. This was true for the driving revolution. It was true for getting tattoos and now it’s true for the LGBTQ movement. Whenever a controversial movement has come to be the people pushing it usually stay away from its spread to children to escape controversy. But as it takes hold and people get comfortable with it, they make their move. It’s a turning point and currently, we are amongst it.

“Pride” is pushed by kids' channels like NICKELODEON which feature drag queens and LGBTQ songs. Schools invite activists to their libraries to read pride books. Just about every children's show and movie stars at least one gay character. Schools expose kids to sexual content through books (for example, in Washinton State, they read aloud “I Am Jazz”). During pride month schools are littered with pride decorations, history, and colors. Constantly kids are pounded with these ideas. Do you really think it won’t sink in and affect how they think?

        Now you may wonder to yourself what the big deal is. “Should children really be sheltered from different ideas?” 

        Of course not. Nothing should be hidden, but with such delicate issues, they definitely shouldn’t be encouraged. And when LGBTQ ideas are continually placed in their heads, how is that not encouragement. Kids' minds are delicate and moldable. If every day a child's dad puts on a documentary about trains, that kid will no doubt accept it as a fact of life. And since they have become such a part of the childs life, he will surely become fond of them, without much thought. LGBTQ isn’t different other than the fact that trains aren't hurting them. 

How This Idea Is Hurting Children

According to The Trevor Project itself (a youth LGBTQ organization)  “LGBTQ youth being four times more likely to seriously consider suicide, to make a plan for suicide, and to attempt suicide versus their peers.” Children associating with this kind of thing are inarguably having mental issues. Now The Trevor Projects argues that this is due to the bullying that they face. This is complete fallacy. This claim couldn’t rationally be made considering their cultivation in our country. I described early all the shows and songs made to comfort kids with these feelings. Teachers are forced to cherish every aspect of them. And any actual report of bullying is very skeptical, seeing as just about everything is considered bullying through “micro aggressions”.  A child may feel a kid is walking too close behind him and because of what society has taught him, consider it a micro aggression and report it as bullying. But from networks to their peers, in today's society, the last thing an LGBTQ child is getting is mistreatment. Clearly, the high suicide rate is unrelated and instead has to do with an underlying issue. Maybe instead of it having to do with sexuality (because there still children), it has to do with their emotional struggles.

        According to a pew research center study, many men believe they became gay at the age of ten and sometimes even earlier. Since most boys don't begin puberty for a few more years things don't really add up. The same case is for women. So why is this happening in children if not for true attraction? Well, one role is the people they hang out with. Statistically, groups are way more likely to follow in the footsteps of their friends coming out than coming out on their own. Another factor is the trauma children face. According to a study by The National Library Of Medicine, Youth are more likely to be Homosexual if they have divorced parents. The same is true for kids with a parent who passed away or left them. But perhaps the most prevalent is their longing for not only attention but for relief as they develop through one of the most stressful parts of their lives. When they see so many LGBTQ influences all around them, they think that’s the way out. Sadly, with one look at their increased suicide rates and depression, we can see it's not working. Yet elites continue to push them. How is this any different from murder?


        Being LGBTQ isn’t necessarily something that adults have to deny. But children being coaxed into it before they even hit puberty will only confuse them during maturation and possibly the rest of their lives.

        Am I denying the existence of LGBTQ? Of course not. But I will deny that it should have such immense inclusion in our youth. And I will deny that children can really have those feelings when they are so young. Kids are prematurely making assumptions about themselves and that is very dangerous. 

        The real reason why children are coming out as LGBTQ isn’t really well known, most likely due to the strictness of the topic. Any researcher willing to look into it would surely be stripped down and defunded. This is a problem. Instead of encouragement, we must understand what lies deeper. It’s a free country. Anyone can think what they want. But sometimes we ought to stop ourselves and question whether were causing a problem. 


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