The Democrat's Endless Struggle To Achieve Utopia

The founding American philosophy is built on the fact that all humans have inalienable God-given rights that can’t be taken away. These rights are beyond government and can never be tampered with. Unlike other Marxist beliefs, the founding fathers thought it best to give us equal rights or in other words equal ability to achieve our goals. They knew that the best that any government can hope to do is protect the rights that give us equality and let us regulate our own lives. Everything American is based on this philosophy. The American dream. A place where you can do whatever you want as long as you're willing to put in the work. This idea has been attempted to be preserved by our politicians and elected officials. That is until the progressive movement brought about a new era. An era of victimhood mentality. An era where the central government is the source of everything. An era where it is not your rights that must be equal, it’s what you achieve using those rights that must be equal. Equity they call it. This can only be achieved with unfair handouts. So be it they say. Instead of seeing disparities, they see discrimination. After seeing any inequality in any situation the finger is immediately pointed at racism, sexism, and the evil institutions of America. To fix this many plans have been introduced. Constant over budget COVID relief bills that convince healthy young individuals to stay at home instead of work. An ongoing objective of the left has been to propose a bill in which reparations would be paid to all African American individuals to make up for what they faced in past history. The list goes on but one common denominator is this. None of these proposals are backed by any real statistics or logic. You don’t solve problems by chucking money at them.

But what does this have to do with utopia?

When I think about Utopia I think of a perfectly fair society. I think we all do. I also think we all agree that utopia is impossible. Human nature simply doesn't allow for all humans to have a similar financial and social result after being given a similar circumstance to their neighbor. There will be those who are willing to work harder and make more sacrifices than others. We are all individual human beings. It is this basic theory that proves utopia is impossible. But this is not what the left would have you believe. So long as there are visible differences between individuals they will have an excuse to ram through legislation that secretly (all though quite obviously) goes to special interests. Do the democrats actually believe that if they keep filling gaps with money it will make America a better place? Well if they looked at the facts they wouldn't.

Let’s look at the specific example of reparations. Kyle Smith (economist, columnist, and critic) writing for Forbes stated that if, despite all the complications that come with taking away wealth from one group of people and distributing it to another, was able to be worked out we would see a situation a lot like a lottery. A study in Florida showed that people who receive a large sum of money such as a lottery or a reparation similar to what minorities would get had twice as much as a chance to go bankrupt. Think of the damages that can be caused by that statistic. Looking at Smith's research the Wall Street Journal summarized it as follows. “Sudden wealth only exaggerates your current situation. If you’re unhappy, bad with money and surrounded by people you don’t trust, money will make those problems worse.” (Obviously this isn't specifically directed at any particular race, the study represent every race abroad)

Reparations are just one of the Democrats’ ways of achieving a Utopian society. If we could just have reparations things would be perfect. If we could just push another COVID relief bill things would be perfect. If we could just tax the rich a little more things would be perfect. If we could just throw our constitutional principles to the wind to get what we want things would be perfect. Will the list ever end. No. And the Democrats know that because they thrive on their journey to utopia. If the list had an end they would be accepting their own eventual fate.


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