Critical Race Theory, What Is It And Why Is It So Destructive?

According to Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic the authors of “Critical Race Theory: An Introduction” and some of the main pioneers of CRT (Critical Race Theory) there are three basic teaching points that must be taught to kids:

Racism can be found in every system in America

Racism is ordinary and expected

Racism is close to impossible to address

Therefore considering these main points they can assume America is embedded in racism.

To break this down I find it best to look at each individual point, address it and establish a reversal.

Racism can be found in every system in America

America was at one point racist. It wasn’t meant to be, but it was. Slavery and discrimination were legal at one point. Those injustices of the past undoubtedly have to bleed through to modern American life.


Yes… but no

Obviously, there will be effects to an entire race being discriminated against even 60 years later. But the situation where one's past does still affect you are very minuscule for two reasons:

  1. Racism is illegal

  2. Institutions will do whatever they think black folks will like

  My first reason is really quite obvious. Discrimination is illegal. Because of this, so long as it is a federal law it is impossible for any institution to carry out racist acts on a large scale (for example if a chain restaurant stopped hiring minorities obviously the government will step in). 

 On top of that companies make an effort to, in a way, incentivize minorities' skin. For the upcoming class standardized testing to get into college is now no longer a requirement because of the unequal scores seen in other races vs African Americans. In an effort to please the left, companies and institutions will take any disparity, and instead of addressing the problem they will consider it discrimination. Resulting in an edit or complete removal of said rule, tradition, motion, etc. How can racism really live in this type of environment? Affirmative Action, a commonly practiced act, aims to favor victimized groups. Using this minorities receive extra opportunities in the workplace or in educational environments (affirmative action is obviously very fraud and gives jobs and degrees to less qualified people, although it is my opinion that on some level the concept is correct, for example, if someone who came from an impoverished town in Kenya and worked hard to get the same degree as someone with rich parents obviously the person in Kenya should get said job because they have achieved more proportionally, the problem is who really worked the hardest, who gets to decide). Due to the overwhelming wave of businesses and organizations rushing to jump on the anti-racist train and push modern CRT beliefs, what is noticeably happening is what I would consider an overcorrection. Because of this, it simply isn’t possible that racism is found in every system in America. Still think there is? Then name the system. Name the company. There is very little evidence to say that everything in America is racist when there is so much effort to make it the opposite.

Racism is ordinary and expected

  Another simple statement. Because of America’s immense untreatable institutional racism, it is something common and one almost shouldn’t be surprised when they encounter it. 


Racism Isn’t Common

  My reasoning for this reversal is very similar to the first. The truth is there is very little evidence behind modern racism in America, let alone it being common. The left tends to look at inequality in the outcome and point the finger at racism. You simply can’t look at any difference between two different races and say it is due to discrimination. For example, the wage gap between black and white Americans (whites making more) is used as a talking point to push this thought. “Because black people make less, the system must be racist”. Well, Asian Americans make more than white Americans. By that logic that would mean white people must experience some racism to make less than Asians.(statistics according to the census bureau) 

 Discrimination and disparities are very different things.

  I'm sure my second reversal sounds very similar to my first reversal. This is because if racism doesn’t exist occasionally then how can the argument be made that it exists commonly. Obviously, racism exists and we should always strive to stop it but to say it is common is silly. 

  Before I move on to the final point I also want to address the mindset created by this belief of racism being ordinary. 

  Mature opinionated adults being taught CRT is one thing, but that obviously is not the targeted demographic. Critical Race Theory is written in children's books, encouraged to be used as lessons from parents. But worst of all it is being taught in schools. If the creators and supporters had their way every CRT point I have taken would be actively taught to children as truth in schools. To rephrase this, little black girls and boys should be told racism is common and it exists everywhere. Anyone who doesn’t see the negative effect of this is an idiot. How are they the post to succeed if they constantly have this crutch to fall on? They are told that there are supposedly hooded figures in the streets hunting down black people (“We’re literally hunted EVERYDAY/EVERYTIME we step foot outside the comfort of our homes! Can’t even go for a d*** jog man! Like WTF man are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?”-Lebron James, predicted net worth as of 2021 $450 million). That since the systems of power are built in such a way that only white people succeed, why should anyone else try? While it may not say it straight up, all this implies is that it's impossible for black people to win.

  Racism is close to impossible to address

 Supposedly one's “whiteness” is self-conscious or in other words, you're unaware of it. Because of this, it is hard to treat it, therefore racism will always be able to hold minorities back.


Insurance Plan

  This is obviously the creators of Critical Race Theory’s way of ensuring that racism will always be a controlling force therefore the victims will stay victims. Admitting eventual death in discrimination would be suicide to their own movement. Not sure you believe me. Think about it like this. Do you ever see someone like say Ibram X Kendi, an “anti-racist activist”, saying high-level racism is officially over? No. He won’t. Why would he, considering his multi-million dollar net worth is built on his belief that just about everything he looks at is racist.

  But there is one more trick to this philosophy. There is a way to not be racist. You have to be “anti-racist”. You have to admit your implicit bias. In other words, you have to surrender to the mob by agreeing you're a horrible person just because of your skin. Then you become “anti-racist”. This whole idea is obviously just another power game by CRT to get you to submit to them, therefore pushing yourself down in the ranks of life. And keep in mind, they want this to happen to children.

  For those who don’t want any part of this movement, sadly there is bad news. According to modern leftist thinking, there are only two options:

  1. You are racist

  2. You are anti-racist (you agree with CRT, actively protest the system, admit your own bias, etc)

 The Democrats will push this idea because it all plays into their policy. To be anti-racist you have to support defunding the police, support CRT in schools, support affirmative action. All of these policies happen to be democratic. So the only way to not be racist is to support democrats. Therefore, if you are anything other than democratic you are a racist. The left will deny that they think all their opponents are racist because they know how obviously bad that looks but when looking deeper into how they push their policy it's pretty obvious what they're implying.


  The left will do everything they can think of to create equality of outcome or in other words equity. Instead of identifying a problem in culture and addressing it, they will instead go after the system (the system isn't the problem, there is no law or cultural norm that holds minorities back). Critical Race Theory is another example of this pursuit.

  All of the reasons provided for the CRT thesis have been proven wrong and dangerous on the basis of two arguments. 1.) Racism simply doesn’t exist on as large of a scale as CRT wants your children or future children to believe. 2.) The way CRT wants your children to think is cruel and evil. According to Critical Race Theory, black children should believe that it will be impossible for them to ever succeed because of supposed embedded racism, and white children should know they are the cause of that.

  I think anyone looking at what CRT really is would agree it should be stopped, but how can it. The number one teacher’s union in America has promised to protect any teacher in court who taught their kids CRT in opposition to what the district or state wanted. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. Schools can now basically teach whatever they want to YOUR children via the union's legal budget. 

  I find it important to note that the three original points I said represent CRT are directly from its creators. I’m not putting words in anyone's mouth. They would agree with those points because THEY invented them. I took these points because it is quite frankly easy to prove wrong. 

Critical Race Theory must be stopped not just for yourself, but for the future generation.


The Democrat's Endless Struggle To Achieve Utopia


The Democrat's Fight Against Conversation