ROE V. WADE IS GONE, And Liberals Are Crying

The founding fathers believed states ought to have the right to make their own decisions. The left-wing thinks otherwise. Because of this “difference” in belief, Roe V. Wade was pushed through 50 years ago, which directly spits in the face of American Federalism (the idea that states can make their own rules). States no longer had the power to ban abortion. Well 50 years later, this unconstitutional, loophole decision was overturned, and the left is going mad.

The Decision

Roe V. Wade has always been a garbage decision. Nothing has changed. To push through this “right” to kill your baby, the left argued that murdering your young was a “private” affair. That in fact, banning abortions in some states was a violation of your right to privacy. The clear problem with this argument is the constitution nowhere says abortion is a right, but it explicitly says that states have the federalist power to ban this type of thing. Anyone who knows the principles of the constitution can clearly see that the Roe V. Wade decision is unconstitutional. Nonetheless, the supreme court, whose only job is to determine the legality of things through the lens OF THE CONSTITUTION, determined Roe V. Wade was good. Well after revisiting it, a controversial decision leak, and much deliberation, the current members of the court have decided to end this great sin, paving the way towards a more pro-life future.  

The Reaction

I don’t think anyone with half a brain, left or right, denies that cities will burn after this decision. The New York Post writes: 

The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade has sent shockwaves through the country, and police departments in major cities nationwide are preparing for heated protests by monitoring extremist groups, beefing up staff, and stepping up patrols at sensitive locations.

Yes, indeed that is the state of our Union. When the courts decide that killing babies is bad, it's a guarantee that cities will fall into anarchy. We saw it in the summer of 2019 and we will now see it again. 

Intelligence officers said pro-abortion extremist organizations are expected to “target abortion alternative clinics and facilities across the US” and may view Big Apple institutions as “ideologically justifiable targets.”

Already we have seen attacks on Pro-Life clinics across America before the decision was even made. According to FOX: 

Despite this marked benefit to women, there has been an alarming increase in attacks against life-affirming pregnancy help organizations since the Supreme Court leak occurred on May 2 that indicated a potential overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision.

According to a recent survey, since the leak one in six organizations reported that they have experienced targeted harassment ranging from fake online reviews to vandalism, including the destruction of property.

In Gresham, Oregon a pregnancy center was attacked via fire bomb, scorching the facility that is meant to help women. At the time this was the fourth known incident of arson at a pro-life facility since the decision leak. 

Even the former first lady has her own two cents on the matter. According to a letter from Michelle Obama (letter at the bottom), she is heartbroken that quote “women will have to move forward with their pregnancies”. She also dangerously says “CHANNEL YOUR FRUSTRATIONS AND ANGER into actions by getting involved” Ah yes. How safe I feel when a public figure tells people to CHANNEL their anger.

What's Next

The truth is overturning Roe V. Wade was the easy part. We had the constitution on our side. The fight doesn't end here though. Abortion stops when the true morality of our nation begins. Let's work for that day. The greatest sin of our nation is that we still allow the barbarian practice of Abortion. It’s time to save the lives of a million babies a year. Fight for their rights. Stand up against abortion!


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