What Is Happening At The Border?

The differing beliefs from the right and left can be categorized by many different things. But one of the more prevalent in modern American politics is the border and how it should be managed.  The republicans seem to take a stricter more regulated approach while the democrats prefer a looser and “more inclusive” approach. I think we can see by the current administration’s handling of the border whose strategy really works.

I certainly think towards the beginning of Trump’s presidency and definitely during his campaign, the border was his biggest focus. This in turn makes it his most controversial issue. The left began to heavily protest against Trump’s border plans and in turn, wish for a loser approach to dealing with illegal immigrants. Some of the radicals even called for completely open borders. Biden, who would later become president, took the same position as the left, which would come back to bite him. 

Immediately following Biden’s inauguration to the presidency, the Mexican-American border was flooded with migrants. This no doubt was because they had been promised by the left (including Biden) looser enforcement of the border.  Thousands of people took refuge under highway underpasses. Smugglers were seen chucking kids over the border wall. The strength and power of the cartel grew. I don’t think there are many who disagree that we have a serious problem going on in the south. Who else exactly can we blame, if not Biden?

One easy way Biden could have stopped the crisis is by simply maintaining control. Biden of course couldn’t do this. See one thing that trumps all democratic strategy is their virtue signaling. If you don’t know what that means it is trying to show someone how great you are because you care so much about issues. An example would be putting a BLM sign in your yard or wearing a shirt asking for increased female wages as a man. What does this have to do with Biden’s border failures? He prioritizes looking like they are doing the right thing over actually doing the right thing. A video surfaced of border patrol on horseback using whips against the migrants. Sure enough, this turned out to be a myth. The whips were actually just reigns being used on the horses, not the people. Despite this, the Biden administration still came out and decided to completely ban the use of horses on the border. There was absolutely no reason to do this. THE MIGRANTS WERE NEVER WHIPPED. On top of that, the horses were a crucial tool in working in the rough terrain that border patrol now no longer has. This decision will have serious negative effects but to Biden that doesn’t matter. See since virtue signaling is so important he would much rather be able to say he made the brave decision to abolish the horses instead of actually doing the smart thing, which was keeping them. 

I think it would be remorseful to not point out the infringement of one of our most fundamental freedoms throughout the crisis. Freedom of the press. Due to the administration’s promise to not send anyone away, they desperately came in need of places to actually keep the people. Their solution. Cramming as many migrants as they could in detention centers. In an effort to keep this private the administration blocked all access by the media to report on what was going on.  The excuse was things were simply too complicated down there to allow for media coverage.

The final reason I would like to get into, explaining why the border has gotten so out of control is its lack of leadership. In traditional presidential fashion Biden decide to pawn the border problem off to his vice president, Kamala Harris. Despite being appointed to deal with the situation she never took the time to go to the border. It took the pressure from Trump’s personal visit with Gregg Abbott when she decided maybe as the leader of the crisis she should have been there before an un-elected former president. Even after going there though, what has the administration really done. So many other problems caused by Biden have allowed for this one to be forgotten. We must not let this happen and Biden should be held accountable.


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